Scientific Publications


Explaining the Wait: How Justifying Chatbot Response Delays Impact User Trust by Zhang, Z., Tsiakas, K., and Schneegass, C. (2024 July). Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conversational User Interfaces Conference. DOI: 10.1145/3640794.3665550
CoAR-TV: Design and Evaluation of Asynchronous Collaboration in AR-Supported TV Experiences by Bouquet, E., Von Der Au, S., Schneegass, C. and Alt, F., 2024, June. In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (pp. 231-245). DOI: 10.1145/3639701.3656320
Learning in the wild – exploring interactive notifications to foster organic retention of everyday media content by Sigethy, S., Mayer, S., and Schneegass, C., 2024, June. In Behaviour & Information Technology. DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2024.2366985
Broadening the mind: how emerging neurotechnology is reshaping HCI and interactive system design by Schneegass, C., Wilson, M.L., Shaban, J., Niess, J., Chiossi, F., Mitrevska, T. and Woźniak, P.W., 2024, May. I-com, (0). DOI: 10.1515/icom-2024-0007
The CHI’24 Workshop on the Future of Cognitive Personal Informatics. by Wilson, M. L., Shaban, J., Maior, H. A., Schneegass, C., & Cox, A. L. 2024, May. In Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-6). (0). DOI: 10.1145/3613905.3636296
Designing meaningful interaction with mental workload data by Chen, Y., supervised by Schneegass C. and Dingler, T., 2024, March. Presented at the ICT Open Event organized by NWO


MuM’23 Workshop on Interruptions and Attention Management by Lingler, A., Talypova, D., Draxler, F., Schneegass, C., Dingler, T. and Wintersberger, P., 2023, December. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (pp. 548‑551). DOI: 10.1145/3626705.3626706
The Future of Cognitive Personal Informatics by Schneegass, C., Wilson, M. L., Maior, H. A., Chiossi, F., Cox, A. L., & Wiese, J. (2023, September). In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Mobile Human‑Computer Interaction (pp. 1‑5). DOI: 10.1145/3565066.3609790
Safeguarding Crowdsourcing Surveys from ChatGPT with Prompt Injection by Wang, C., Freire, S. K., Zhang, M., Wei, J., Goncalves, J., Kostakos, V., Schneegass, C., ... & Niforatos, E. (2023). arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.08833.
An Emotion‑Adaptive VR Experience for Recreational Use in Eldercare by Raja, A., Niforatos, E., & Schneegass, C. (2023). In Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2023 (pp. 354‑358). DOI: 10.1145/3603555.3608525


Understanding Challenges and Opportunities of Technology‑Supported Sign Language Learning by Faltaous, S., Winkler, T., Schneegass, C., Gruenefeld, U., & Schneegass, S. (2022). Augmented Humans 2022, 15‑25. DOI: 10.1145/3519391.3519396
UnlockLearning ‑ Investigating the Integration of Vocabulary Learning Tasks into the Smartphone Authentication Process by Schneegass, C., Sigethy, S., Mitrevska, T., Eiband, M. & Buschek, D. i‑com, 21(1), 157‑174. DOI: 10.1515/icom-2021-0037
Investigating the Use of Task Resumption Cues to Support Learning in Interruption‑Prone Environments by Schneegass, C., Füseschi, V., Konevych, V. & Draxler, F. (2022, January). In Multimodal Technol. Interact. 2022, 6, 2. DOI: 10.3390/mti6010002


Comparing Concepts for Embedding Language Learning into Everyday Smartphone Interactions by Schneegass, C., Sigethy, S., Eiband, M. & Buschek, D. (2021, September). In Proceedings of Mensch und Computer Conference (MuC’21). (Honorable Mention). DOI: 10.1145/3473856.3473863
A Day in the Life: Exploring the Use of Scheduled Mobile Chat Messages for Career Guidance by Aragon Bartsch, S., Schneegass, C., Bemmann, F., Buschek, D. (2021, November). In Proceedings of Mobile and Ubiquitous Media (MUM’21). DOI: 10.1145/3490632.3490637
Why did you stop?‑ Investigating Origins and Effects of Interruptions during Mobile Language Learning by Draxler, F., Schneegass, C., Safranek, J., & Hussmann, H. (2021, September). In Proceedings of Mensch und Computer Conference (MuC’21). DOI: 10.1145/3473856.3473881
To See or Not to See: Exploring Inattentional Blindness for the Design of Unobtrusive Interfaces in Shared Public Places by Hirsch, L., Schneegass, C., Welsch, R., & Butz, A. (2021, September). In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT’21). DOI: 10.1145/3448123
Design for Long‑term Memory Augmentation in Personal Knowledge Management Applications by Schneegass, C., Wojcicki, Y., & Niforatos, E. (2021, May). In Proceedings of the 12th Augmented Human International Conference (AH2021). DOI: 10.1145/3460881.3460931
Designing Task Resumption Cues for Interruptions in Mobile Learning Scenarios by Schneegass, C. & Draxler, F. (2021, January). In T. Dingler & E. Niforatos (Eds.), Technology‑Augmented Perception and Cognition. Springer. ISBN: 978‑3‑030‑30457‑7
LYLO – Exploring Disclosed Configurations for Inter‑Personal Location Sharing by Schneegass, C., Irmscher, D., Bemmann, F., & Buschek, D. (2021, May). In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI ’21 Extended Abstracts), May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages. DOI: 10.1145/3411763.3451652


NotiModes: an investigation of notification delay modes and their effects on smartphone users by Poguntke, R., Schneegass, C., Van der Vekens, L., Rzayev, R., Auda, J., Schneegass, S., & Schmidt, A. (2020, September). In Proceedings of the Conference on Mensch und Computer (pp. 415‑419). DOI: 10.1145/3404983.3410006
TheSpaceStation App: Design and Evaluation of an AR Application for Educational Television by Von der Au, S., Gierig, L., Schneegass, C. & Ludwig, M. (2020, June). In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX ’20), June 17–19, 2020, Cornella, Barcelona, Spain. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 12 pages. DOI: 10.1145/3391614.3393655
BrainCoDe: EEG‑based Comprehension Detection during Reading and Listening by Schneegass, C., Kosch, T., Baumann, A., Rusu, M., Hassib, M., & Hussmann, H. (2020, April). In Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, HI, USA. DOI: 10.1145/3313831.3376707
Cognitive Biases and their Effect on Mobile Learning: The Example of the Continued Influence Bias and Negative Suggestion Effect by Schneegass, C. & Draxler, F. (2020, April). In Proceedings of the Workshop on Detection and Design for Cognitive Biases in People and Computing Systems at CHI 2020, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, HI, USA
What is “Intelligent” in Intelligent User Interfaces? A Meta‑Analysis of 25 Years of IUI by Völkel, S. T., Schneegass, C., Eiband, M., & Buschek, D. (2020, March). In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Cagliari, Italy. DOI: 10.1145/3377325.3377500


Exploring Visualization for Digital Reading Augmentation to Support Grammar Learning by Draxler, F., Schneegass, C., Lippner, N., & Schmidt, A. (2019, November). In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, Pisa, Italy. DOI: 10.1145/3365610.3365623
Investigating the Potential of EEG for Implicit Detection of Unknown Words for Foreign Language Learning by Schneegass, C., Kosch, T., Schmidt, A., & Hußmann, H. (2019, September). In Proceedings of the 17th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human‑Computer Interaction. Paphos, Cyprus. DOI: 10.1145/3313831.3376707
Designing for task resumption support in mobile learning by Draxler, F., Schneegass, C., & Niforatos, E. (2019, October). In Adjunct Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Human‑Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. DOI: 10.1145/3338286.3344392


Informing the Design of User‑adaptive Mobile Language Learning Applications by Schneegass, C., Terzimehic, N., Nettah, M. & Schneegass, S. (2018, November). In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (pp. 233‑238), ACM. Cairo, Egypt. DOI: 10.1145/3282894.3282926


Exploring Challenges in Automated Just‑In‑Time Adaptive Food Choice Interventions by Terzimehić, N., Schneegass, C., & Hussmann, H. (2017, October). In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care at the International Multimedia Conference (MM’17) (pp. 81‑84). DOI: 10.1145/3132635.3132648
The Role of the User in the Social Internet of Things ‑ Open Questions and Research Agenda by Schneegass, C. & Hussmann, H. (2017, May). In Proceedings of the Workshop on Designing the Social Internet of Things at the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Denver, CO, USA, 2017


“VC/DC”‑Video versus Domain Concepts in Comments to Learner‑generated Science Videos by Hoppe, H. U., Müller, M., Alissandrakis, A., Milrad, M., Schneegass, C., & Malzahn, N. (2016). In 24th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2016), Mumbai, India (pp. 172‑181).
Conceptcloud: supporting reflection in the online learning environment go‑lab by Schneegass, C., Kizina, A., Manske, S., & Hoppe, U. (2016). In Proceedings of DeLFI 2016 ‑ Die 14. E‑Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 11.‑14. September, 2016, Potsdam, Germany.
Supporting the creation and sharing of domain taxonomies in STEM learning by Malzahn, N., Schneegass, C. & Hoppe, H. U. (2016). In Adjunct Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on.


ConceptCloud‑Entwicklung einer Applikation zur Unterstützung von Reflexionsprozessen im Online‑Lernportal Go‑Lab by Angenendt, K., Bormann, J., Donkers, T., Goebel, T., Kizina, A., Kleemann, T. Michael, L., Raja, H., Sachs, F., Schneegass, C., Sinzig, L.‑M., Steffen, J., Manske, S., Hecking, T., & Hoppe, H. U. (2015). In Adjunct Proceedings of DeLFI Workshops, co‑located with 13th e‑Learning Conference of the German Computer Society